A few words about who we are and where we came from.


Żaneta Kociołek
I am a computer graphic designer by education, a cartoonist by passion and a mother of two everyday. I love good stories, especially those from the fantasy and sf worlds.

Wojtek Kociołek
I am a teacher by education, but I have always preferred to work with people rather than to teach. I used to be a graphic designer and do handicrafts. From those times, I was left with a passion for fantasy worlds, good books and movies.
We founded Tower of Dreams in 2015, when it came to sharing professional matters with parenthood. It turned out that the old idea for the name of the blog “Tower of Dreams“, which was supposed to present only our work related to fantasy – is also perfect as a name for an advertising agency. Because what else is creating good projects if not climbing next steps to the top of the great tower, where you can look at the wonderful views around? We help our clients achieve their goals while realizing our own dreams.
We work with a group of trusted specialists. Although we work mainly on graphics and prints, we have in our team copywriters, translators, internet specialists and 3D graphic designers.